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Family & Youth Programs

Lexington History Museums is committed to engaging families and youth with a wide variety of programming options. Through a combination of unique activities and events; families can come and learn about Colonial life while enjoying some quality time together.

First Shot! 1775 Summer Camp

Discover the history of the American Revolution and Colonial Massachusetts! Each day during this week-long camp we will visit a historic site associated with the Battle of Lexington and complete crafts, activities, and games associated with Colonial life. You will follow in the footsteps of Paul Revere as you walk the rooms of the Hancock-Clarke House, one of Revere’s stops during his now-famous Midnight Ride. Learn about the troop movements of the Lexington Militia and the British Regulars as you visit Buckman Tavern, Lexington Common (site of the Battle of Lexington), and Munroe Tavern. Come see what life was like for Lexingtonians in the 18th Century!

Age Range:  Incoming Grades 3-6

When:  August 19 - 23, 2024  9:00-3:00 Daily

$350 Non-Member / $275 Member

$100 non-refundable deposit is required per child to reserve their spot.